Nagi OS is the popular monitoring tool in the IT Support platform tools. its monitoring everything in the every devices under the support the below protocols.
Nagi OS License model.
Here i am going to explain how to install Nagios packages and it plugins on the server and configure it.
First we are add the amazon Linux extras epel repository to install Nagios package.
sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel -y
install the nagios packages and plugins
sudo yum install nagios nrpe nagios-plugins-all
set auto start in system startup for Nagios service .
sudo chkconfig -–level 3 nagios on
install http Service and set AutoStart for system startup restart the http service
sudo service httpd start
sudo chkconfig httpd on
install the php service
sudo yum install php
edit contact configuration file in nagios and replace your contact mail id which is received the alert notification.
sudo vi /etc/nagios/objects/contact.cfg
after the edit check nagi os confiuration file with default nagi os configuration file.
sudo /usr/sbin/nagios -v /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg
re-start the nagi os service.
sudo service nagios start
now open nagi os in web console. using the below syntax.
Syntax Server IP/nagios
the default user name and password is nagiosadmin
in defualt nagi os autometicaly check the nagios server health status and show in the console.