Linux - Basic commands and structure

Linux - Basic commands and structure

What is LINUX

Linux is the open source operating system.

Just like Windows, iOS, and Mac OS, Linux is an operating system. In fact, one of the most popular platforms on the planet, Android, is powered by the Linux operating system. An operating system is software that manages all of the hardware resources associated with your desktop or laptop. To put it simply, the operating system manages the communication between your software and your hardware.

  • Linux Have the different folder structure compare with windows.

Find the below image. its basic structure for all Linux based OS.


Here I have explained some basic linux commands.

  • Create folder in Linux

syntax : mkdir folder1

mkdir project1
  • List out the files and folder in current location
  • Want to show including hidden files and folders
ls -la
  • To know the where you are currently in terminal present working directory
  • To delete the files and folders

Syntax: rm -r file or folder name

rm -r file1

rm -r folderlinux

To install any package in linux

  • In Redhat or Centos

yum install package name


yum install httpd
  • In Debian based and ubuntu

apt install package name


apt install nginx
  • To start stop restart or check the status for any service
  • There is two commands systemctl and service.
  • Service is older version of OS and systemctl is newer one. The main think is both are different syntax
  • For example in the systemctl package name is middle and the status or restart is last. in the other hand service command status or start stop is middle and service name is last.

For Example

systemctl status httpd

service httpd status
  • To check status
service nginx status
  • To restart the service
systemctl restart nginx

service nginx restart
  • To stop the service or start the service
systemctl start httpd

service httpd start
  • Other one important command is sudo . its like windows command run as administrator.

also sudo command record the activity.


sudo vi /etc/hosts

In the above command normal user cannot edit the host file in the etc location.root user only have write access to that file.

So in this situation we will use sudo command.

  • To create the user account in linux

Syntax : useradd username


useradd shivam
  • To set the password for the created user account

Syntax: passwd username

passwd shivam

Its prompted password and again verify the password.

  • To login to the user

Syntax: su username

(su means switch user)


su shivam
  • To verify ur user is created check it in passwd file last few lines.
cat /etc/passwd

To Check Free disk space

df -h

To Copy files same location .

Syntax: cp source_file target_file

cp file.txt file2.txt

To Copy files from one location to other location.

Syntax: cp /sourcefile_location/source_file_name /targetfile_location/target_file_name

cp /home/ubuntu/index.php /var/www/html/index.html

TO Recursively copy all the files.

To copy a directory, including all its files and subdirectories, to another directory, enter (copy directories recursively):

cp -R * /home/ubuntu/new/
  • TO Rename the file or folder

Syntax: mv old_filname new_filename


mv venket.txt venketnew.txt
mv old_foldername newfolder name

To Delete the file and folder

Syntax: rm -r file or folder name

rm -r  1.txt
rm -r dryfold

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