Modify Your EC2 Instance Volume Size (both windows and linux)

Modify Your EC2 Instance Volume Size (both windows and linux)

Amazon EBS volumes

An Amazon EBS volume is a durable, block-level storage device that you can attach to your instances. After you attach a volume to an instance, you can use it as you would use a physical hard drive. EBS volumes are flexible.

  • You can increse or decrese the size of a volume.also you can attach and deatch the volume. so that you can simply add the many volumes to once instance.

Here i am going to explain how to Increse the volume size in WIndows and Linux ec2 instances.

1.Resize your EBS volume size for the Linux EC2 instance

  • Below images show my Linux instance and its volume have 8 GB of space.


  • I am showing the volume size and available space inside the linux os using df -h command


  • This volume have 8GB of total spcae ,used space is 1 Db then available space is 6GB
  • Select the ec2 instacne which you want modify the volume size and going to select storage section and choose which volume you are going to modify.


  • Select the volume and modify image.png
  • Provide the new volume size and modify image.png



  • It will take some time to modify the instance volume size.



  • After getting the in-use action getting as green color you modification is done.
  • Now we are going to check the volume size inside the Linux OS.


See now the size has been changed.

  • Total volume size = 16 GB

  • Used size = 1 GB

  • Available space = 14 GB

2.Resize your EBS volume size for the Windows EC2 Instance

Do the Same steps which we have done for linux

  • This windows instance volume have 30GB of total spcae . we are going to modify the volume size.just select the volume. image.png
  • Select the volume and modify image.png

  • Provide the new volume size and modify


  • After getting the in use as green color you modification is done. image.png


After increase the volume size we must want to login to the windows instance via rdp.

  • Open diskmanagement console

Run-> diskmgmt.msc


  • To extend the disk space in drive right click on the newly allocated space and select extend volume.



Now our Volume size is increased inside the os.

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